Five Causes that may be triggers for genetic hair loss
hair loss is a serious disease that not only affects your scalp but it may affect other parts as well. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. In this blog, we are going to discuss common reasons that are responsible for permanent hair loss or genetic hair loss. The same disease is called male pattern baldness as well. Hair transplant in Indore is a permanent solution for baldness. However, a perfect diagnosis is essential to perform this surgical treatment. The surgeon aims to detect underlying causes of hair loss before he provides appropriate treatment. Usually the following reasons are responsible for hair loss. Genetic reasons: If anyone of your parents or grandparents experienced male pattern baldness, it is highly likely that you also will face the same symptoms. Genetic hair loss is a hereditary disease that affects several generations due to genetic structure. Genetic baldness follows a certain pattern in which hairline recedes at the first sign and then, the temple an...